Website resources that may interest you

We know you want to make an informed choice when selecting a child care center and early education program for your child. The following links provide useful information that can help you feel confident that you’ve made the best possible choice.
National Child Care Information Center — The NCCIC is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that provides a wealth of child care and early education information.
National Child Care Association — The NCCA is active in national childcare issues and works in Washington to balance the quality, affordability, and availability of licensed, private childcare and education programs.
National Association for the Education of Young Children — NAEYC administers an accreditation system to improve the quality of education and care provided in programs for young children. Its Web site provides information for families concerning early childhood development and childcare issues.
National Network for Child Care — NNCC unites the expertise of many of the nation's leading universities to share knowledge about children and childcare. The site offers over 1000 publications and childcare resources, an e-mail discussion group, a quarterly newsletter, and more.
Almanac of Policy Issues: Child Care Issues — The Almanac offers background information, archived documents, and links on childcare issues in the U.S.
Administration for Children and Families — The ACF is a federal agency that funds state, territory, local, and tribal organizations to provide family assistance (welfare), child support, childcare, Head Start, child welfare, and other programs relating to children and families.
National After School Association — The NAA is a professional association dedicated to the development, education, and care of children and youth during their out-of-school hours. Its site offers publications, articles, and numerous other resources for parents.
HealthyKids.com — The companion Web site to the magazine. It provides expert advice on health and safety, food and nutrition, family issues, enriching activities, recipes, and more.